This year, P&C Federation celebrates 100 years of P&C volunteering in NSW. P&C Associations and their parent, carer and community volunteers all around NSW support public schools in their local communities; taking roles in a range of fundraising activities, running canteens, uniform stores, music programs, before-and-after-school-care services and supporting school activities. The efforts of these volunteers provide a substantial contribution to public education in NSW. #pandc100years
Next week is National Volunteer Week (16 – 22 May) which is Australia’s largest annual celebration of volunteering. P&C volunteers make up a substantial proportion of the volunteer sector in NSW. The theme for this year is Better Together – focussing on how volunteering brings people together and helps build communities.
To celebrate National Volunteer Week in our centenary year, P&C Federation is running two webinars for our P&C Association leaders to discuss issues and ideas for engaging with volunteers in their school communities and offer information and guidance for members needing to reinvigorate their P&C operations and reengage with their local school volunteer community. following the challenges brought about by COVID restrictions, floods and school closures.
We are also asking our P&Cs to post photos of their volunteers at work to showcase the range of things that they are doing in their local school communities. #nswpandcvolunteersatwork
P&C Federation recognises the important work that our P&C volunteers do in school communities right across NSW. Thank you!
And I encourage our P&C Association leaders to celebrate National Volunteer Week in your own school communities and extend a thank you to your local volunteers – because we’re better together.
Natalie Walker
Federation of Parents and Citizens Associations of NSW