
P&C Virtual Meeting Update

Virtual meetings have never been possible for P&C Associations, as the Constitutions for P&C Associations have no enabler for virtual meetings. This means that the only way P&C Associations can make decisions is at face-to-face meetings at which a quorum of members is physically present.   

In the current circumstances of social distancing restrictions, this means P&C Associations are now unable to make key decisions, placing many P&C Associations in a state of limbo.  In response to this, P&C Federation has worked with legal advisers to draft an amendment to the constitution that would make virtual meetings possible. These amendments are now with the NSW Minister for Education for approval. The Minister’s office is aware of the urgency of this request.   

If the amendment allowing virtual meetings is approved, P&C Associations will be able to resume making key decisions during this unprecedented time. We will let our members know as soon as we receive the Minister’s response.  

If the proposed changes are accepted, tips and resources will be provided to P&C Associations to assist in implementing these changes.