In submitting your application to Exhibit you are agreeing to the Terms and Conditions
In order for your Application to Exhibit at P&C Federation 2020 Conference to be considered please provide your Current Certificate of Currency for $20,000,000 Public Liability Cover. All exhibitors must provide a copy of Public Liability insurance certificate of currency demonstrating coverage of a minimum of $20 million dollars with their application to exhibit. In the event the Certificate of Currency lodged with their application to exhibit expires prior to the P&C Federation’s 2020 conference the Exhibitor must provide P&C Federation with a valid certificate of currency 14 days prior to conference or 7 days after expiry if this is greater than 14 days prior to conference. Failure to do so will result in your exclusion from the event. At P&C Federation discretion you may be required to name us and or agents as an interested party on your Public Liability insurance - Attach Below
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