Announcement: New CEO of The P&C Federation of NSW, Gemma Quinn

The P&C Federation of NSW is excited to announce the appointment of Gemma Quinn as our new Chief Executive Officer. Gemma has been an integral part of our team for the past year, making an exceptional contribution as Member Services Manager. With over 15 years’ experience in education and P&C Associations, Gemma brings a wealth of experience and a deep understanding of the needs and challenges faced by parents and carers in New South Wales.

The CEO of the P&C Federation is a key person in the NSW educational landscape, and in this role Gemma will work closely with the Department of Education.

“As CEO I’m committed to championing the best outcomes for the more than 800,000 students who are in public education across NSW,” said Gemma.

“As the mother of two children in a public school, I am proud to be actively involved in our local P&C Association and a volunteer in our school community. I understand the challenges parents face, and I have seen first-hand that parental engagement is the backbone of public education.”

Gemma’s deep understanding and extensive experience in P&C Associations, coupled with her practical expertise in their operations, uniquely position her as the ideal leader to navigate and enhance our organisation’s mission and impact.

“For the last year I have heard stories about the extraordinary efforts of our members to meet the funding gap in our schools. My first priority as CEO is to ensure that the Government invests in our children’s education and wellbeing.” Gemma said.

Gemma’s journey with the P&C Federation of NSW has been marked by her dedication to supporting our members, her commitment to enhancing public education, and her passion to see school communities thrive. Her leadership and vision will undoubtedly guide The P&C Federation into a new chapter of growth and success.

Commenting on her new role, Gemma said, “I am incredibly honoured to step into the role of CEO at the P&C Federation of NSW.  I am excited to continue working with our members to support and advocate for public education. Together, we can achieve great things for our schools and communities.”

We look forward to a bright future under Gemma’s leadership and are confident that she will continue to uphold the values and mission of the P&C Federation of NSW.