Talking to Kids about Online Boundaries and Consent

Webinar for parents and carers
Wednesday, 30 August, 7:30-8:05 pm AEST

The P&C Federation is pleased to partner with the eSafety Commission to host the Talking to Kids about Online Boundaries and Consent webinar for our parents and carers.

This 30-minute webinar is designed for parents and carers of primary school students.

It will cover:

  • Why the consent conversation is so important to have with primary school aged children
  • Easy ways to explain online boundaries and consent
  • Opportunities to discuss and model consent through discussions, scenarios and practising helpful phrases for saying ‘no’

e-Safety provide advice for parents and carers to help kids stay safe online.
eSafety’s purpose is to help safeguard all Australians from online harms and to promote safer, more positive online experiences.


  • Greg Gebhart, Senior Trainer, eSafety Commissioner

This webinar will be facilitated by Liga Hegner, Board Member, P&C Federation NSW.

To register

This webinar is presented via the the eSafety Commissioner’s platform.  It will not be recorded for viewing later.  However, there are a range of resources and links to other webinars for parents on the eSafety Commissioner’s website.

Please note that when you click on this registration link you will be taken to the website of the eSafety Commissioner.  The information you provide to eSafety at registration will be used by the P&C Federation NSW to communicate with you regarding this event and other services.

We encourage you to promote the webinar to other parents and carers, and through your local school communities.

Liga Hegner
Board Member, P&C Federation NSW

I have a long history of serving in P&C’s at a grass roots level. I joined for the same reason many of us do: to get involved with our children’s school at a practical level and contribute where we can. I have a 12 year history serving as an active member of the CHPS P&C, across multiple office bearer roles and am now a life member. Also, a member of CHHS P&C and, its President for the last 4 years. I have also been a regular attendee of the North West group of P&C’s since inception, and am without question passionate about being part of and working with P&C communities.

During my involvement, I have partnered with our parent & school communities to deliver large infrastucture projects, create interactive play & green spaces, implement online ordering for parents, lobied local council and government over devlopment matters and overcrowding in schools, been awarded multiple community building partnership grants, overhauled operations for canteen and uniform business units and aligned our governance documents to our consitution. In the last few years I have been fortunate to deliver two finalists and subsequent winners of the P&C volunteer of the year award for our region.

Greg Gebhart
Senior Trainer, eSafety Commissioner

Greg Gebhart is one of Australia’s leading online safety presenters, having provided presentations to more than 1.2 million participants at state, national and international events. He has a strong background in leadership and change and has held several senior positions, including Regional Manager for the Victorian Industry and Education Partnerships program.

He has received national and international awards for his passion to lead education and technology change and been listed in a who’s who of people that have shaped Australia.