Year: 2023

Murat Dizdar is the new Education Department Secretary

Murat Dizdar is the new Education Department Secretary Congratulations to Murat Dizdar on his appointment as the new NSW Education Department Secretary. We look forward to continuing our continuing partnership and collaborative relationship with the Department and Mr Dizdar on…
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P&C Associations May Now Incorporate Free of Charge

The P&C Federation has decided to allow member P&C Associations to apply to become incorporated without paying a fee. Previously, P&C Associations wishing to incorporate had to pay an administration fee of $100, but this application process is now permanently…
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P&C Day | Wednesday, 1 March 2023

P&C Day is your day to celebrate the incredible work that your P&C Association has achieved, and to tell everyone about your school community volunteers that generously give their time and skills. Why not organise a morning tea, an award…
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